Ka tika hoki ka timatangia e au me nga mihi mahana kia tatou katoa, mai nga apiha, aa tae noa ki nga mema katoa o to nei uniana ‘Te Runanga Wai U’, Tena Koutou.
It is right and appropriate that I offer warm greetings and salutations to all our DWU officers, officials and delegates old and new that have come here to this 2013 congress to row our waka together in unison striving for a Better Working Life and to uphold the values of those that have come and gone before us.
This year has been a very busy and exciting year for the Runanga/Fono and it looks like we will be moving into another challenging year with negotiations and contract talks, the government elections where we will have the opportunity to vote hopefully for a Labour led government that will look after our families and the work force. The Runanga/Fono held its hui in Hamilton this year and we welcomed Kim Phillips from Maungaturoto and Mark Michaels from Takanini, I would like to thank our roopu for their hard work and committment for the job that they do and the dedication that they put themselves in to help their fellow workers in times of need when issues arise within the working environment.
The NZCTU/Te Runanga Kauae Kaimahi held it’s biennial Hui in Whakatane this year where 20 different union groups came together to organise and strengthen themselves over the issues that face their people and the people of NZ. The CTU Runanga biennial had some very powerful speakers and although they were all from different backgrounds ranging from politicians to human rights activists, they all had a passion for the union movement and what we stand for.
We have been involved with the Ports of Auckland and the Talley’s disputes back in the 2012 year and there still seems to be ongoing issues affecting these workers and their families, it has been good to see our DWU officials and delegates involved in these disputes supporting and helping them in their time of need, these disputes have been publicised in the Dairy Worker Magazine along with other important issues for our DWU workers.
Well there doesn’t seem to be much more to report but before I sign off I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of myself and the other members of the Runanga/Fono to send a big up;s to our rangatira Mark Apiata-Wade for his contribution and his hard work as the Runanga/Fono organiser and his commitment over the many years to strengthening the cultural diversity which aids in member solidarity making our union unique with the aim to cater for the many different faces of our membership.
Naku noa
John Nuku – DWU Runanga/Fono Convenor