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Women’s Committee 2013

By nzdwu on November 28, 2013 in NZDWU News

We welcome two new Regional Worksite Women’s Reps onto our Committee this year. Meryl van Royen who replaces Megan Ellenden from the South and Lavina Ireland who replaces Richalene Olliver from the Northern region. the ladies and I would also like to thank Megan and Richie for their contributions.

I have represented our Union at the NZCTU Women’s Committee over the past year with our work focussed on :

  • Paid Parental Leave – increasing paid parental leave to 26 weeks pay (26 for babies) including using Social Media – getting people to send in tweets, comments on the Facebook page, website and looking at other ways and means to get people to endorse it.
  • Stop Violence against Women – encouraging unions to participate in the ‘it’s not ok’ campaign in workplaces.
  • That the CTU formally endorse International Dat on the Elimination of Violence against Women – White Ribbon Day 25th November 2012. Recommending an event be arranged for Friday 23 November at which male trade union leaders gather at lunchtime to sign the White Ribbon pledge.
  • That affiliates be encouraged to actively participate in activities that high light the impact of family violence on union members and to use union and workplace channels to provide information and education as well as collective agreement clauses.
  • Agree to convene a meeting of interested unions (PSA to host) with an Australian Union activist, Ludo  McFerran, who will be visiting NZ later in the year. She has been instrumental in developing resources, including model collective agreement clauses, education and information resources.
  • Pay equity issues.
  • Preparation for the CTU Women’s Biennial Conference will be held in July this year with the theme of the conference being Building Union Women’s Leadership.

Our Unions Women’s Committee meeting in April was followied by a 1 day seminar on ‘Harassment /Bullying – Positive Workplaces’. Worksite Women’s Reps from all regions attended the seminar in Hamilton. As well as learning how to represent workers the seminar also provided the opportunity for the Regional Reps to meet the other Worksite Women’s Reps face to face for the first time.

Finally I would like to thank Jocelyn, Carne, Sally, and Wendy for this support and organisation with the Women’s Committee.


Laura Boynton

DWU Women’s Committee Convenor

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