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Luke Coxon

Growth Lead Organiser

Luke started with the DWU in February 2023, in a new position as Growth Lead Organiser.

Luke has over 20+ years’ experience in the union movement and has worked for a wide range of unions including the Service & Food Workers Union (SFWU), Financial Sector Union (Finsec), National Distribution Union/First Union, the International Transport Workers’ Federation and IUF, and most recently APEX Union (the specialist union for medical, scientific, clinical, and technical employees in Aotearoa New Zealand).

Luke has advanced knowledge and experience of union organising of different sectors of workers (transport and logistics, finance, health, food, oil, and service industries), extensive knowledge and experience of greenfield (un-unionised) campaigning and organising, the development and delivery of a wide range of union education, as well as the production of strategic research for unions and peak trade union groups (such as corporate profiling and campaign research).