Support Services Administrator Kaiawhina a Tari
Ko Tainui te waka
Ko Kakepuku te maunga
Ko Waipa te awa
Ko Ngati Maniapoto te iwi
Ko Ngati Unu, ko Ngati Maawe nga hapu
Ko Te Kopua te marae
Ko Carne Greenbank taku ingoa
Carne started work for the DWU in March 2001 as the sole membership administrator. In November 2016 she moved to the Support Services Administration role, working behind the scenes on the website and social media platforms while working closely with the Support Services team to provide communication newsletters/notices and administration support to Regional Organisers.
She also provides clerical and administration support to delegate education, the DWU Runanga/Fono and Women’s Committee (Co-ordinator).
- E:
- P: 07 834 7126